what kind of wine would you reccomend for someone who never tasted it before?



ive been thinking of buying some wine this new years eve but i never tried before and i dont want to waste my money i have a date and would like to impress her with a nice dinner and some wine..thanks to all who reply
box wine charrdonay...that's got to be the worst spelling of that word ever
When I started off drinking wine I wanted something sweeet. Then I worked up to the more complex flavors. I'd recommend a white wine, like a Riesling. They are pretty sweet and not as dry and tart like other wines. If you wanted to try a red wine, I'd go with a Port or maybe Shiraz. Happy tasting!
A half descent Rose, because it tastes like strawberry pop and you can't not like that. Jacobs Creek would do for kids.
well it depends on what your making for dinner. Look up cooking websites or cooking and wine websites and see what suits what.
I actually tried Gallo Cafe Zinfandel really good not to sweet.
Riunite...its like a carbonated wine...in red, white, and rose....very good!! goes down easy like soda so be careful!!
most places have a wine tasting place in their area, you should see if someplace have a taste tasting in your area.
Tough question!
Everyone has different tastes. A lot of beginners usually love a white Zin.
Some break out into the caberets and merlots.

Go with one of each. A nice white zin (white), and maybe a pinot noir or shiraz for the red, Any Austarlian red wine is aces in my book!

If your really looking to pursue wines, stay away from the fruit flavored like arbor mist, but dont not try a true blackberry or strawberry wine
A Pinot Grigio is always a nice, crisp wine.

But, it probably depends on what you intend on serving... White wine goes with lighter food, like fish.
it's all in the taste you and your date has. There really isn't a right answer for this. I found a white wine or blush (zinfindal ) was the best for me. They sell 2 oz bottles here, I'm not sure about were you live. I bought and tried a few of those before I bought the first bottle to share with someone over dinner. Also ask her what she likes you might not be as happy but if your going all out for her cooking her dinner might as well make it all about her.
all types of wines are good. it just depends which you'd rather have.
sparkling wines, fortified wines and dessert wines are all different types.
i have heard-from a friend's parent-that eroica is good. [:
Id recommend trying a type of wine that has a fruit flavor, or something a little more sweet. if you want to try the original tastes of wine, id start of with something a little less heavy, like white wine or something that you can water down.
My personal answer would be to stick to beer.
white zinfindale is my favorite! it's sweet compared to most wines, but a lot of women like it....i'm a waitress and men are more likely to choose dry, red wines like cabernet