


A breeze blows by, while dust and ashes gather,
I sit in the park, thinking of the past, of our endeavors.
Words once said, were as sweet as could be,
sugar in a plum, scent of toffee.

The actions you committed, damaged many other than me,
like the shattering of a mirror, knives digging in a knee,
You "apologized", whatever that means,
but you never know the things you do,
you only see the things you wish to see.

rays reflected by the moon, divert your cloudy eyes,
ignorance in pure, denial will lead to your demise.
You "apologize", but never understand the things you do,
water to a flame, dead pedals in a stew.

Other's have taken you back, chosen to erase your blackened heart,
a blindfold to their mind, they turn their back like you, they delude the idea of a new start.
At times you're sweet, like honey from the gods,
But you always revert to yourself, an essence I despise.

The clock has ticked, time passed by,
should I forgive, Or should I still despise.
Or should I despise
Or should I despise
That is the most amazing poem I've ever read. You have a gift. Enter some kind of competetion!!!