How much will it cost to fix my laptop computer?


May 22, 2008
I have an older laptop computer: a Compaq EvO N600C. She's been good to me and still working fine, even with Windows XP and some graphic design software installed. But now I'm having my first real problem with it, and I'm hoping it can be fixed easily and inexpensively. The battery has not held a charge for some time, so I operate on electrical power. But as of the past couple of weeks, the hole where the adapter plugs in.....the computer won't power up unless I fiddle with the power cord and position it in the hole exactly right. And then often I'll move the computer which will move the wire and cause it to go off. I tried another power supply / cord , also for the same computer, and it has the same it doesn't seem to be the power cord itself....but in the computer. Any idea what's causing this? And how easily / cheaply it can be fixed?