can i use a black trash back for my fish tank background?


Mar 18, 2008
i already have a background of like plants and wanted to know if black would make my tank stick out more?
maybe something brighter
and if you go to a pet store they have some really cool ones like shiny stuff and they may have a black shiny one
good luck
You could do that.

I went to Jo-Ann Fabrics and bought a shiny black material that I put sticky-back velcro on. Stuck the other part of the velcro onto the back of my tank near the hood (can't see it), and stuck the material to the tank that way. It worked great - and it's been that way for about a year and a half now. I like the way the shimmery black looks behind my plants, etc.

And it's easy to clean it. Un-velcro it and toss it in the laundry, then stick it back on after it's clean.

A lot of people get creative when it comes to backgrounds on their fish tanks. I'm sure a garbage bag could work too. Just depends on your taste.

Good luck. :)
Why don't you use a black cardboard poster that you can buy for about 50 cents at school supply stores? It would look a lot better than a trash bag I think ;)
I think it would depend on the type of tank, the size, the shape, and the ornaments inside. You should include a picture. =]]
I think it would depend on the type of tank, the size, the shape, and the ornaments inside. You should include a picture. =]]
maybe something brighter
and if you go to a pet store they have some really cool ones like shiny stuff and they may have a black shiny one
good luck
you can have whatever background you want... you could even experiment and make some of your own and see what they look like... personally my favoritess are plain metallic.