has anyone here seen/met Obama or McCain?


New member
Oct 13, 2008
I have seen Obama twice, once in Elko, Nevada, about 2,000 people. And in Boise, Idaho about 13,000 people. Both were absolutely amazing, in Elko, my daughter and I were able to shake Obama's hand and say a few words. I just want to hear a story of you meeting any of the 4 candidates, not hate or stupid remarks. If you did meet one of them it was probably a great memory as it will be for me forever.

I have met all but Palin in person. My work involves politics but I am on maternity leave right now so I have yet to meet the new candidate.

I met Obama 18 months ago while he was on a trip to Boston. He and I spoke for about 20 minutes. I have kids the same age as his daughters and we were laughing hysterically about the funny things kids do at that age and how much smarter they seem to be than what we expect. Then we talked a bit about health insurance in MA because that plan is partially failing. He is a great guy but he is also a solid candidate that I chose to support despite my encounter with him.

I met Biden a long time ago and he was very polite, considerate and can hold a conversation. McCain was very interesting to speak with. His wife is not as cold in person as she comes off as on TV.
I used to work in Washington, did some lobbying back then, and I met John McCain and Joe Biden, along with many other notable politicians. McCain and Biden are very down to earth and personable people. Very nice men. Neither one of them forget a face, or a name either.