Why do the police make so many mistakes?


Ultra Mega

Not long ago in the news a man was shot and killed by a police officer. The police officer had pulled the man over for speeding, ask the man for his proof of insurance and registration, and as the man said "OK" and reached for the ietms asked for the officer, the officer fired his weapon at the man. The police officer claimed he didn't know what the man was reaching for! Probablly his insurance card and registration? I thought all police were trained professionals who put their life on the line for us? This is bad, this is very very...bad
To those showing concern: yes the video was shown, as a camera tapes from the police car. the officer was convicted of the crime. Now seeings how so many are standing up this A***Hole on here, let me also point out that their was also a recent 911 call made by an off duty police officer who thought he was dying because he had ate to much "Weed" as he had put them in his brownies to get high! A police officer being ghetto lol thats funny. The officer was released from his duties. Not all police are bad, but a very very large handful of them are, and the proof is out their!
For all the 'they are only human" well so was the guy reaching for his insurance crad and registration, and now he's a "Dead Guy" To error is human, to murder...is evil
Yes it is but they are human and afraid, the society whee respect has gone and people are shot all the time with drive bys etc puts the police in a frame of mind that they air on the Side of caution to our detriment...
well since that is all the media potrays of them, are their mistakes. you really don't hear the stories where they saved someone's life, or where they helped someone out. if all anyone of heard of about you were your mistakes, would they think of you as a good person??
Because they are human. That is a good one. But think about the kind of person who is attracted to the profession. It won't be the smartest guys you went to school with. They are either jerks who are seeking authority to abuse or nice guys with super hero complexes.
Sounds like Bubba made someone wear their pink panties after lock down last night.
It's cos they think they are the law they feel like they can shoot or taser anyone just cos they feel threatened. They probably feel they are an easy target cos they're risking their lives everyday.
To err is human...... Also, consider the huge number of opportunities to err with which all the policemen in this country are involved. It is miraculous that there are not more mistakes. Don't blame the whole body of law enforcement personnel for one bad incident.

PS I'm not in Law Enforcement, nor do I have relatives or friends in it.
Number one, this sounds fishy, There had to be some reason to make the Policeman pull his gun in the first place. everyone stopped by them has to go through the same process.. Stop and think about this . Only way I would buy this, is to see the video that policemen, usually have to protect themselves..
If that showed He just shot the man for sport, then he deserves what ever he get. But, let's be fair to both sides.
They are, as already pointed out, human. They also face perils that we know nothing about. What might not be known is the actions of the driver may have been such as to cause the officer to believe that the driver was reaching for something other than the documents asked for. I have never seen an officer pull a weapon on me for a traffic stop. When I have been stopped, which is rare, I have those documents out, and in plain sight by the time the officer reaches my vehicle.
Regrettable though the situation is that you refer to, I have to ask what the driver was doing as he was reaching for what was supposed to have been the drivers documents, or did the driver do something that made the officer feel his life was in danger?
because there humans and all humans no matter how smart, dumb or just plain idiotic makes mistakes. also maybe people want to be a police officer because of something that happened in there past and there want to help whatever it was to never happen to anyone else or ever again.
Because some of them got picked on too much in high school, so now they can take that aggression out on John Q. Public.