democrats are whining again. democrats can't stand the hostilities that


New member
Aug 29, 2008
americans are feeling. why? why can dems get up like lewis and accuse mccain for inciting hate in people at his rallys and how it has to stop. obama won't comment on lewis' stance and speech. why can't they get it that people are pissed off at washington?
isn't it a little two faced when all along the dems have ridiculed mccain for his age his pow status his wife some hateful comments that the media won't report but when this behavior occurs at a mccain rally it all of a sudden becomes racist and contemptable? you can't have your cake and eat it too
most of the answers make these people out as racist but that is not what they are speaking about. also most blame bush for this crisis and yet the news shows the dems rejecting time after time the republicans stating that something has to be done about fannie mae and freddie mac which by the way is franks and dodds and schymers baby
Yes The Racism At Republican Rallies Are Dangerous Disgusting And Makes Us Look Like Inbreds
Because they don't like their socialist agenda being questioned. Just like they scream racist, just because we want answers to Obamas affiliations and all we Americans get in return is the run around and smoke and mirrors. If we let them have their way we could soon see a hammer and sicle over the White House.
This has been building up since the Obama bots used intimidation and race baiting to win the Caucus states during the primary season.

The same news media which kept those stories out of the front pages wants to make sure we all see these stories.
Who's whining?

Senator Lewis was on point. McCain and Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred in this country.

But America, please wake up.

We must reject McCain and Palin and the smear tactics and fear-mongering they are using to win this race.

America is better than this. We are better than this

The last time America voted for someone who successfully smeared his opponent has cost us over $700 billion and counting, our homes, our jobs, our savings, our retirement funds and who knows what else.

Wake up America.
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking. Many Democrats have voiced their dislike of the way McCain has handled his campaign, Obama has chosen to try to keep the campaign on the issues and he gives the voters credit for having the intelligence to see through McCain's tactics, unfortunately he gives some to much credit when none is deserved. Every time I hear a Republican say why they are for McCain it is because of things that McCain has said that are lies, no one supports him on the issues.
The hostilities that normal Americans are feeling is against the Bush White House and his lousy policies that have nearly bankrupted this country.

Whackos at the McCain rallies are showing their true racist colors by acting in a manner that hasn't been seen since Nazi Germany and the days of the Civil Rights Movement. Their behavior is shameful and truly anti-American.
Because the Democrats are partly responsible for the anger. They took office making promises and did not keep them.Their support of Acorn and the voter fraud and sub-prime housing debacle.Guilty of partly bringing down our economy. Then had the gall to want 20% of the bailout money to go to Acorn in the first bill rejected by the Republicans and even some Democrats on Barney Frank's Banking Committee.Face it folks why would the Democrats support anything that Bush wants done.That should tell you something is rotten in D.C.Namely Pelosi,Reed,Franks,Dodd lets vote this crew OUT
No, they are pissed off at Muslims and people who are different. They are calling out "Terrorist" and "Arab" and "Muslim" along with "Kill Him" "Off With His Head" and "Hang him"

That is taking anger to another level. Its is wrong and has nothing to do with Washington. If they were truly angry at Washington, then Washington and Bush would be the topic at their rallies. It is not. Washington and Bush are taking a back seat to Obama, and his supposed Terrorist links. And that fact that many believe he is a Muslim.
Lewis's point was well-taken. He didn't need to make a comparison to George Corley Wallace-- that went too far. But the GOP has stooped to ugly hatemongering. What would YOU be saying if the Democrats were playing it as ugly?