will this ruin how my exboyfriend feels about our future together?


Mar 8, 2008
we are broken up now, still talk everyday and go out occasionally, say i love yous...but he says he needs time to do things and get things together etc. he promised me that he wants to marry me, and that if he had 1, 2 children he wants it to be from me. i told him he had to get me something to confirm this. so i asked him later what did he see when he went shopping and he made sure to say "i saw some things, but it's not a ring."

should i be worried??
Worried about what? He has told you his intentions. You either want to wait and see what happens or you are in a hurry to wed and need to go find someone else. Stop pushing it.
It sounds like you two are in your early twenty's. I would just wait it out and give it some time. Set your own time limit. Like 6 months, 12 months, 2 years, what ever you think you can handle having him around and still be saine. If he doesn't show signs of engagement or making it a serious relationship then I'd consider moving on to someone else that might be in the market for a long lasting relationship. Just let it happen naturally, pushing it to happen sooner will just draw him away that much quicker. Best of luck.
I don't know what you would be worried about, other than the whole break.

You should not be saying I love you to someone you are not "together" with, nor should you be spending so much time. Then you fall into the trap of "Why should she be my gf when I'm getting all the benefits without having to commit?" I did this for a year and only when I said, "No mas" did he come around and start dating me again. He has to WORK for your affection and love, and not by saying, "I need time to do things." (I would question what those "things" were if he can't do them with a gf, you know?) As far as wanting to marry you, sounds like he's saying exactly what you want to hear to keep you around.