Should I get Guitar Hero World Tour or the new iPod touch?


New member
Oct 11, 2008
My parents said I could get either GHWT or the iPod touch. Which one do u guys think i should get.
guitar hero is AMAZING, but you should get the iPod touch. I've heard a lot of good things about it
I POD TOUCH!!!!!! it is amazing! i bought it off ebay for $100!!!!!
Isn't that soooo cheap?????
eh if you dont have any mp3 player i guess the ipod touch

if you do Guitar Hero World Tour all the way
The ipod touch with the most gb. I would stick with Rock Band one and two. Some of the songs are the same. Rock band 2 is really awesome by the way.
Well, since the iPod Touch is a big pile of poo... hm.. that's a tough one.
ipod touch no duh! it is the coolest thing my dad has one i never thought he would ever till he came home and said he got it