Healthy Tips for eating (inexpensives ways to stay healthy and eat a good


New member
Oct 10, 2008
diet,NUTRITIONIST Help)? I'd like to inform myself more on how to eat properly, and maintain the right weight that's healthy for me. I'm content with my body so I don't really care about losing weight, I just wanna stay healthy, cause I know that Health is for Life and it lasts.

So anyone give me any good suggestions on how to Eat Healthy and properly : )

And what are some eating tips/HABITS or snacks.
That you know of and Work well for you
in your daily life~

Btw, I'm a 17 yr girl. and I wanna learn to eat properly.
I love all fruits, vegetables, etc. SO bring all suggestions :)))

Also, how many times a week should I exercise to stay healthy??
I love dancing....

Thank you so much!! :)