hd dvd players/ blu ray?


May 20, 2008
I agree with Grumpy Mac 100%. I have an Onkyo 606 and a PS3 myself and they are both awesome. The 606 is an unbeatable value for the price. And the PS3 makes for a great Blu Ray player along with being a great game console.
got myself a true hd 1080p flatscreen, i want a dvd player that goes with the tele as its true hd i want something to match it for maximum quality and obviously a home cinema surround sound. anyone got a good option of wot i should do
The HD-DVD format has been abandoned so dont be tempted by the low prices on these players.

If it was me, here is a budget system I would put together:

- PS3 for the BluRay player and games: $399
- Onkyo TX-SR606 receiver (highly recommended by many magazines): $380
- Energy Take classic (or mini or micro): $600

Note: There are lots of good sounding monitor-style speaker systems out there. I just read another good review of the Energy speakers in a recent Home Theater magazine.

- Remote: Harmony Logitech
- Cables: www.bluejeanscables.com


Do not buy one of the $300 'systems' from Sony, Phillips, Samsung that include everything in 1 box. These units are glorified DVD players and do not support HD or offer much expansion.
HDDVD is not in production any more. Bluray is really the only choice for true high def disks. You cold also use an upconverting player and that will get you close to HD and you'll still use DVDs. Toshiba's new XDE upconverting players are pretty phenomenal.