car stereo: maximum output/ maximum power of speakers?


May 14, 2008
ok so i am looking at car speakers and stereos and i am a bit confused. the speakers i want to buy have a maximum power of 800 watts. though the stereo i want has an output of 240 watts. I am wondering if the speakers of a potential 800 watts will only deliver 240 watts if connected to the stereo with the output of 240 watts. Would i need to buy an amplifier to make it possible for the 800 watt speakers to reach thier potential?

oh yeah i am talking about speakers that go behind the head rest of the back seats
Firstr of all Speakers is a broad term, are you talking about Subs, highs, full ranges, what...normally you go by the rms value and only feed any speaker the frequencies it can handle.. example dont feed a speaker low frequencies if it is meant for mids and highs otherwise you will have distortion... rms is usually half of the peak value
Firstr of all Speakers is a broad term, are you talking about Subs, highs, full ranges, what...normally you go by the rms value and only feed any speaker the frequencies it can handle.. example dont feed a speaker low frequencies if it is meant for mids and highs otherwise you will have distortion... rms is usually half of the peak value