would you like a hummer?

I would if i could afford it.
but theres prettier cars out there that whos gas mileage i could afford lol
it wouldn't matter to me whether gas was an issue or not, I hate those ugly lookin trucks
I would love one especially the limousine one they are great hopefully i will win the lottery and buy one for myself and you if you pick me as your best answer lol xx
If you are asking me if i'd like a blow job then yes that would be very nice thank you. But if we are talking get big ugly american range rover wannabees the no thanks! Rule Britannia, Brittania rules the waves!
Even if gasoline was cheap again, I would not want a hummer. Too big, too ugly, and yes also a gas hog.
You know, I think everyone wishes they could drive a Hummer.... but being economically and environmentally responsible makes it impossible to do so.
However, the price of a Hummer PLUS the price of gas is not as bad as the ecological footprint caused by making a HYBRID. I know, say it ain't so... but it's true. The Hummer lasts a long long time and the Hybrid doesn't, making it necessary to buy another one way before you would have to buy another Hummer.
So... it's about equal. However I don't like big flashy cars. If I could buy one of the OLD beat up Hummers from previous military service I'd be happy.
hummers first of all are expensive to begin with. secondly they are gas hogs and don't get good gas mileage. these are the kinds of cars that are causing global warming. don't contribute! =]
their too big for me.
and gas hogs.
& yes, it would make them
even more expensive than
they already are...