Does pee wee hermin have a bike or a scooter?


New member
Oct 3, 2008
me and my brother are arguing and he says that in the begining of every episode/movie he rides a bike and i say its a scooter so if you know please tell me who right and whos wrong thanks a lot
Pee-Wee Herman has a bike, not a scooter. The bike was sold on eBay for almost $18,000 and was used by Paul Reuben (Pee-Wee Herman) in his film, "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure".
Your both right.

On the show he had a scooter. In his move Pee Wee's Big Adventure, he had a bike.

"In every episode, just before the closing credits, Pee-Wee says good-bye to everyone, slipping the secret word in, and then climbs onto his scooter to take off through a hidden door in the Playhouse."
well, in the movie it was a bike. i can't remember what it was on the tv show...but i am going to go with bike. i could be wrong, though. lol!
I don't remember the opening having a bike in it but I DO remember that the closing credits had him on a scooter.

Have you checked YouTube to see if there are any episodes floating around? That would give you your answer! ^_-
Its a bike. I take it you never saw the movie where he spent the whole movie looking for it.
he used to ride it on the show but someone stole it and put it in th basement of the Alamo. lol