How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?

And after what age would you say it is embarrassing to not know how to ride a bike.

I was 7.
I learned at 9. it would be embarrassing at whatever age you are when you try to teach you're kid how to ride bike.
I learned at 5 years old... I would say making it to 13 would be truly embarrassing to not know how to right a bike.
I was four and a half years old. My dad had hold of the back of the bike. I peddaled very fast, he was behind me, or so I thought. I turned to exclaim my joy at actually riding, saw he wasn't there, and had a BIG Crash! The memory is SO much better in hindsight!

I still struggle. I haven't ridden a bike in years, and find it hard to balance on one now when I turn the handle bars!
