*If* and only if, it's true that the Bible supposedly predicts the end times, in which Israel will be in a great "holy war", instead of accepting that the prophecy is coming true, why would people not LEARN from this and NOT engage in such a battle?

I mean, what if the Bible is there to warn us of what NOT to do so we can preserve ourselves? What if all of these people are sitting back interpreting it to be some holy prophecy, which now becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of destruction....but it doesn't HAVE to be this way?

Excuse my 5 am ramblings, but I don't understand why anyone (especially a religious person or group) would walk right into a trap that clearly says "this will lead to the second coming and/or massive destruction lives".

I would think people in the Middle East would try to make things better as opposed to the same old fighting tactics, which just don't work.
Destruction *of* lives...
This is not an attack on any religion, just a real question.