do you think this rumor is true?


New member
Jun 2, 2008
Okay so my friend and his girlfriend have been together for about a year. Theres now a rumor going around that she cheated on him 6 months ago with her ex boyfriend, so he broke up with her. The reason so many people believe the rumor is because she had cheated on her ex boyfriend with 3 guys and he never knew. The thing is we all thought maybe she had learned to that and she seems to really love her current boyfriend, although this was rumored to have happened 6 months ago. I cant tell if her ex is full of sh*t or not though. He admitted that it really did happen, but she denies it. She also said after they broke up they stopped talking, but he said up until a few months ago she kept texting him. He said that when they hooked up he was drunk, and another guy that was with them said he thinks he might have remembered something happening, but he was really drunk. So i cant figure out if her ex is lying about everything, and if he is, what would his motive be in doing so? it all seemed to happen out of nowhere. do you think it is just or rumor or the truth?
Hmm. I don't think I have enough information to really give you an educated guess. It's hard to judge someone without knowing them. I'll just say, I've heard "Once a cheat always a cheat" and " Where there's smoke there's fire"
I stopped reading after the first sentence, but whatever the rumor is it's true.
The Magic 8-Ball says . . . "Ask again later". That's about as accurate as any other answer you;re going to receive, my young friend.
I don't know if it's true or not but it sounds to me that he just wants to get back at her. He was probably jealous that she was happy with your friend and decided to sabotage it. Of course he's also bitter that he was cheated on. There isn't really a way to know the truth unless one of them confesses.
im not sure but there doesnt seem to be too much evidence against her and you should not act on rumours but maybe if your friend watched her and got some evidence himself but otherwise they shouldnt have broken up.