Future Horror Movies?


May 16, 2008
Who is looking forward to the new Friday the 13th coming to theaters if February of '09 and A Nightmare on Elm Street in '10?

Eh, I'm mixed. I'm kinda excited about Friday the 13th, it looks pretty watchable. As for A Nightmare on Elm Street, I'm pretty worried they're going to murder that movie. :/
i think the next new horror movies in the future is something like Blair Witch, Cloverfield.

The best horror movie is [REC], a spanish horror movie.

Now hollywood wants to remake movie called Quarantine
The only real horror I'm looking forward to is "the Wolfman" with Benicio El Toro.
I have never cared for any of the "Friday the 13th" films, and I don't intend to see the remake in a theater nor rent it. I rather enjoyed "A Nightmare on Elm Street" back in the day, but I did not think it was a good movie to be adapted into multiple sequels, and the only one I cared for was "A New Nightmare" which was directed by Wes Craven who wrote and directed "A Nightmare on Elm Street," but I though that particular sequel could have been much better. I doubt I'll see the remake of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" in a theater, but I might rent it depending on reviews and word of mouth.
Future horror movies? My life. Mined from many different angles, and sequels, and trilogies etc, that I''LL never see,personally, in my lifetime,SEE a freaking dime FROM!