How can I professionally complain about my colleague?


New member
Sep 24, 2008
I am new with a company. There are two girls that just left. I am a replacement for one, and my colleague was hired just a month before me to replace the other. The two that left refused to share an office with her and complained many times.

I am now stuck with someone who is cynical, derogatory, unprofessional and can be just down right rude. She's extremely loud, and very argumentative and won't shut up sometimes. Her ideas rule and won't listen to anyone. When she's "told" what to do she complains constantly and it doesn't stop when many other people are around and announces how poorly she's paid and that she hasn't taken her resume off of monster-board. She's got a very bad attitude and is not a team player and I am leaving at night from a job I could really love realizing how much I hate it because I have to be around this... thing...

They know there is a problem with her so this won't be new to them, but how can I say something to them without looking unprofessional and petty myself?

I feel like if I don't I won't have a tongue left in a week.

Thanks for any advice!