LG VX9400 or LG VX8700 from verizon wireless?


Emily D

which one is better? can you watch music vidoes on them both? tell me all you know about them please! i cannot decide which one! thanks!
Yes, you can watch videos from both but the Lg-VX9400 can to live TV, while the Lg-VX8700 can only do the streaming video with the VCAST video.

Besides the cosmetic differences, the 8700 has a much higher quality camera for when you take pictures and also the screen is nice crystal clear. Although, one downfall of the 8700 is that the batter life sucks.

The 9400 has a compact design and its packed with cool features, but really the main thing that makes it better is it has the Mobile Tv feature which for a monthly fee of $15.00 gives you 8 channels. MTV, Comedy Central, FOX etc.
Battery life is a little better but not by much.

I personally like the style of the Lg-vx8700 more.