I hate talking on the phone, today I must phone family and relatives ! How can I...


Jordan J-P

...improve phone conversations? I don't know why but I just hate talking on the phone, I can never find anything good to say. And when I phone relatives that I haven't seen in years, it makes it all the more difficult. What can I talk about, the weather ? Well it gets boring and I usually run out of things to say before the conversation ends, then it gets really awkward !

How can I improve my phone conversations ?
I only got so many minutes to spread the cheer but Happy Christmas I love you guys.
Listen to what your relative is speaking about and build from that....carry the conversation on from what the other person has mentioned.
Try to embrace and be grateful that you do have family to connect with on the holidays.

That you desire to have a better conversation is a great start.
KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid. Dont worry, I am not calling you stupid. When you get on the phone ask basic questions like "How are things going." When there are moments of silence just say something like" Well, It was great to hear from you. Merry Christmas and I will talk to you soon. " Make is short and simple. Good Luck.