My sister and her girlfriend are coming for Christmas, is it rude to ask that



they refrain from pda? We are a devout Christian family and I would never tell my sister that she and her girlfriend are unwelcome in my home. They are coming for Christmas (they started their relationship shortly after my sister and her husband divorced, so this is all new to us and we are trying our best). We have three young sons and do not want them to be subjected to ANY pda (from anyone, regardless of the genders involved). I know that my sister and her girlfriend are extremely touchy, kissy, huggy, etc. and would like to request that they refrain from that while in my home. Would that be rude? I don't want to offend or hurt anyone. FYI, if they were a heterosexual couple and acted like that in my home I would tell them to take it elsewhere. Thanks for the answers!
Yes, my children see my husband and I kiss (pecks) and hold hands and hug (but we don't do those things in front of others) and OF COURSE we hug and kiss our children. I am talking about more intimate things (french kissing, making out, etc.). If my husband and I are feeling affectionate when in someone elses home, we steal away for a quiet moment together (like go to another room and share a quick, hot kiss when no one is looking). I don't have a problem with that, just not macking down on one another in front of the kids.
And, yes, I did one Christmas have to ask her and her husband to take it elsewhere. (She was sitting on his lap and they were making out right in the middle of the living room. It was uncomfortable for everyone!)
How Christian of you, if I had a sister like you, you'd never see me again during your lifetime. I wouldn't blame your sister if she just tipped the table and everything on it over you before she and her partner walked out. I think you totally under estimate your sister and her partner they'd have more respect for you than you probably do for them. Do you and your both husband flirt and get overly passionate in front of your three boy's? Neither would they in front of your boy's. So you are worrying just over nothing. Remember blood is thicker than water one day your going to really need your sister. With this attitude you will loose her out of your life.
So we're supposed to believe that your kids NEVER see you and your husband kiss, hold hands or touch each other in an affectionate but non-sexual manner? RIIIIIIIIIGHT. I sure hope that's not the case, because if it is, you have some problems going on that have nothing to do at all with your sister and her partner. If you were Quaker or Amish, I could understand it.

Anyway, if there's going to be this much of a disruption around the issue, simply ask them not to come. Explaining why - you'll have to figure that one out yourself.
I dont think it is rude at all. I would explain to her that no matter what gender she may be with wouldnt matter you still wouldnt like it. I am in a same sex relationship and it is still new to my family as well. His family has known for years now and he wants to be touch feely and i just wont do it. Its not bc i am with him, but it is bc i think it is rude to do that in front of other people. I am like you if you want to kiss me with some passion lets go else where so other arent forced to watch.
It's not rude of you to have ground rules in your home. I think if you approach her (as I imagine you will) with civility and love, then I think she will understand. I believe that you will be showing the love that God has for her if you handle it with love. Regardless of what some people may say, currently, society in many aspects, still shun homosexual people. She doesn't need her family to shun her. She needs her family to love her as God loves her.
The actual hard part would be not to appear to be hypocritical. To ask your sister not to show PDA, may mean that for the day, you and your husband not to show PDA. To say, "Sis, for today, in front of the children, please refrain from showing affection to your girlfriend." Then you kiss your husband. What she may see then is a judgmental "You do as I say, not as I do" type of mentality, not a "I love my husband and family" mentality. It's just something to be really careful about. I'm not trying to be a killjoy or upset you or anything. I feel sometimes we need to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person and try to see how they see everything. You know your sister better than anyone else here, so you know what her reaction will be like and how best to approach her. Anything from anyone here is just speculation based on our own experiences in similar circumstances.