White hard skin? Pimple in eyebrow?


New member
Sep 12, 2008
So I had this HORRBLE Painful hard skin it was really hard and it was round sort of like a pimple it hurt to even barley touch it was on my eyebrow hair at the top.... I couldn't take the pain anymore so i pulled it off It was so painful to take off I thought I was going to die... Now its off my face doesn't hurt anymore BUT when I took it off underneath it on my skin is now a pretty large hole crater in my skin... and the area is red... I looked at the thing I pulled off and put it in a baggy... It hard like a grain of sand about the size of One grain of ocean sand to and on the end of it the part that was in my skin is Black... Any idea what it could be? Im really worried its really weird im not one for pimples so im new to all this i went most of my teen years with maybe one or two pimples... Please help if you have any idea thanks!!!
I get those from time to time. They are tiny but painful, and the only way to get rid of them is to pull them out. If I just leave it alone, it stays there forever! I don't know what they are, but I noticed I got more after going of birth control pill.