Why is it so hard to cut uncaring family members from your life?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
My mom and siblings hate me. They have told me so on many occassions. I don't hate them, but sure, I don't like them. It's best we don't see one another. I am the youngest child, although an adult now, and married, I love my wife dearly. Thing is, for my own sanity, I need to cut my mom, the last link, from my life, but she clearly don't get it. I have done practically everything for her while I was growing up and into my adult life. It goes unappreciated.

My mom has become a pathetic individual, claiming not to be able to do the smallest thing. I got her a new fridge freezer – they should have set it up – but she says she is not able to put the plug in. Can you believe this?

She has played me like a harp. Any problem, I have gone and sorted it. My wife says if I don't visit her for several months she may pull her self together.

If not, I have written to her doctor, saying if he does'nt visit her to asses her health, I won't be held responsible for what happens to her.

I feel sad about the whole thing, but sometimes, you just cannot help people can you?

Given they are so rotten, why is it so difficult to cut these evil people out of your life. If I never visit my mom again, for sure she will die and curse me to her grave. But it seems thats the way things will be.

This is a follow up to my previous question, here. Thank you.
