restrooms,...? will you use the bathroom before you leave or just figure you'll pee in the woods? I was really shocked by answers to someone else's similar question so I'm trying again in hopes of restoring my faith in humanity.
Thank you, Nicole. That's one.
Unless you live in a third world country, I'm disappointed in you, Jack B. I'll bet you have a bathroom in your house.
But you see, Mr. Unknown, you DON'T have to. You can take a pre-emptive pee and you can hold it.

Steve, honey, you really shouldn't be hiking. Stick close to home.
Yes, if you're away from civilization for days, you'll have to pee in the woods, but that's not what I'm talking about. Seriously, how many people have EVER been away from civilization for more than a couple of hours? 1% at the most?