Is this what American politics has come to?


New member
Sep 7, 2008
Has the population degenerated so much on both sides of the aisle that political debate now boils down to schoolyard insults and name calling?

On the one side, you've got the McSames and McBush names floating around, and on the other side you've got the Osamas and the Husseins. My god, we can't get rid of that freaking middle name, can we?

Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, his middle name is HUSSEIN, did you see that he's got HUSSEIN in his hame? What? I'm only telling the truth. He's named HUSSEIN, did you see that? I'm not making fun of his name just to score cheap points because I can't come up with anything intelligent or original. It's HUSSEIN.

Did your parents and teachers buy that pathetic excuse when you were seven and trying to pull that nonsense?

Hey, why hasn't anyone done "Palin Comparison" yet? Put a Mc in front of that, and you can make fun of the whole ticket at once, and put a Ronald in front of THAT and you can associate them with a fast food spokesclown.

Is this really it? We're down to "you're a stupidhead!" "Well you're a doody head!" "Oh yeah, you're a big stupid doodyhead who..."?

I mean, both candidates have said it's immature nonsense their followers need to knock off. How much can you possibly believe in your candidate if you can't even pay attention to them when they tell you to grow up?
And let the ranting begin!