When you stop smoking how long does the nicotine or smell stay in the body?


New member
Jul 12, 2008
as my boyfriend has stopped smoking for 3 days - I'm convinced he still smells a bit (I'm hypersensitive to this) when we're close and think there's still some nicotine left in his system. am I right?
Nicotine stays in the blood for no more than 48 hours, after which it is no longer detectable in blood or urine tests.

Luckilly, his heart and lungs will have started to heal just 12 hours after his last cigarette. Make sure he doesn't start again.

What you are smelling could just be you thinking that you should be smelling smoke so you believe you do smell it. If not it may just be on his clothes.

But the only thing in his system is a metabolite of nicotine called Cotinine which will have traces in his blood/urine for up to 7 days.
It takes 3 days for the nicotine to get out of the body,are you sure he is not cheating?
Nicotine doesnt smell and should have left his body, are you sure he's not having a crafty one when your not there. Or does he hang around with smokers as the smoke will get onto his clothes from them