My dwarf gourami keeps headbutting the glass walls of the my fish tank?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
I have a 10 gallon tank and only one fish currently living in it, a powder blue dwarf gourami, and it keeps on headbutting the glass tank of the aquarium, as if it's trying to break free and doesn't realize it can go no further. I tried removing the fish from the water with my net and then dropping it back in, and it acted normal for a few minutes, then returned to the bottom of the tank and continued it's behaviour. Any idea why it's doing this and/or how I can make it stop?
It also has other weird behaviour like it swims to the bottom of the tank then quickly swims up and on its way up it looks around both ways as if looking for something. It repeats this for hours on end. It does this by where the filter deposits the water btw if that matters.
Don't pick him up and put him back in the strip the slime coat off of him when you do that!!!! He more than likely sees his reflection in the glass and is probably playing with fish do this all the time...nothing to worry about!