Future daughter-in-law sent back my present I sent her after car accident,


New member
Aug 23, 2008
refuses to see me? My future daughter-in-law was in a car accident several weeks ago. She is okay, but had to stay in the hospital. When I went to visit her, her mother angrily told me to leave and not to come back, due to the fact that her daughter and I have never gotten on. Even though I thought FDIL's mother was out of line, I stayed away. FDIL is out of the hospital now, so I asked my son what her favorite flowers were and sent them, along with a book that I know she wanted to read to her. I was not thanked for the flowers and FDIL sent the package right back to me. I picked up the phone to ask my son what was going on and he said she didn't want to see me. I admit that I have had misgivings about this girl from the start, but now they seemed justified.
From what you say either they are over reacting, or you have been a beast and they're reacting to that. It's really hard to tell, sorry. Your last statement really sounds like you haven't treated her very well. If you get upset because people return the same behaviour you've shown them, then it's your hard luck.
Well if you were mean to her in the past and you two didn't get along, she probably thinks you're just trying to be nice cause you feel sorry for her, and she doesn't want that.
Just ignore it and continue your relationship like you have -- poorly.
If you truly want to be her "friend", then wait awhile, and try to make amends.
Are these questions even real? I'm starting to think you are living in a mental institution making up stories about your evil future daughter in law.

Seriously, what did you do to this poor girl to make her hate you so much? Leave her alone.
Maybe the things that you did to her before, are unforgivable (in her POV). I suggest you go to her house and let her know how you feel. You are about to become one (1) family and it would suck to know that your daughter in law hates you, especially once the grand kids start coming. Be really, even if it means biting your tounge when you think she's being unresonable.