3 1/2 year old whining?


May 17, 2008
Is this a normal phase for this age?

It recently started and I'm having a hard time correcting it. He usually only does it when he's tired but that isn't the only time lately.

What measures can I take to correct this behavior? If I ignore it (the way I did tantrums when he was younger), will he eventually stop or would discipline be more effective?

For the record, I do discipline my son, he's not too young for that. I'm just not sure how effective that is for this behavior. I'm not saying it's not effective, I'm just looking for thoughts from others, especially those with experience.
(I do praise him for good behavior.)
I know everyone talks about the "terrible twos", but after raising 5 kids past the age of three and working with preschoolers and hearing their parents, I swear that three is MUCH more difficult than two! Ignoring it as you did tantrums is a good way to help him through this, and the first answerer had a great response to say to him. So far in my experience, the age of 4 is a golden age.... I love 4 year olds! Good luck.. :)
I think all 3 yr olds whine. I'm going through the same thing and my daughters turning 4 in a week but it has decreased. I just tell her that she doesn't get what she wants when she whines and then I ignore her. I think the best way to deal with it is to tell him that he's not acting like a big boy when he whines and that he's not gonna get what he wants if he asks that way and ignore him. Send him in his room until he gets it together.I think that will help.
Yeah, my mom told me I did that too. It's normal. You just have to tell him to be polite and say please or he wont get what he wants.
another really tough one. I would say that it depends on your parenting beliefs. I personally would use some sort of correctional method, but I wouldn't be too harsh, since your son is so young...maybe now is the time to start thinking about 'time outs' or even possibly google-ing ways to discipline someone of that age.

hope i could help with my oppinion a little bit :)
Simply ignoring requests and demands made by a whining child usually does the trick. Discipline should be used only if ignoring it doesn't work. Tuning out the noise is the hardest part of it all!
Yes, it's normal at this age.

When my son got whiny, I would just say, "I don't listen to whining. When you are ready to speak to me in a nice tone of voice, I will listen."
Go to super nanny .com and they have a whole page on what to do with a whiny child.good luck