"Delusion" A poem a wrote, please won't you tell me what you think?


May 15, 2008
Sometimes insanity is more than a state of mind.
Insanity is my lover, is my friend.
Insanity is my stability,
"Out There" is the new sane.
Sometimes voices are more than just that.
The voices are my conscious, are my guide.
They tell me the way to get through obstacles,
Sometimes they even say your name.
Sometimes dying is the only way to live,
even if it means no more mind to speak of.
Even if it means the colors fade away, and
white is the only thing I see.
Sometimes I miss the seasons,
I miss something, anything, and everything.
But most times I love my nothingness,
my delusion, it keeps me sane.
It only plays what I want to see,
even it says thing I don't want to hear.