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  1. #1
    Junior Member shanil55's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Ways for teens to make money online (no online surveys)?

    I'm 14 and am currently looking for a way to make money online. I've done house/neighbor chores but never really made enough money. Anyone know any good ways? Please don't say online surveys because i already tried them and their payout is very low and they also ask for a lot of personal details.

  2. #2
    I would suggest some ways to earn money online :
    PTC Paid to click programs :
    Paid to click programs are the easiest ways of earning online which provides heaps of money in just few clicks. It works on clicking ads whenever, any one clicks those ads he will get paid according to the ad rates.
    Selling products online on EBAY and AMAZON:
    Selling goods online is one of the most popular ways to earn extra money, and teens have all capabilities to do it. EBAY and Amazon are most prominent online E-store where users buy and sell their products in reasonable prices.
    Designing a LOGO to earn money:

    Teens are known for their creativity this is the reason why most they have vast knowledge about designing. they love to play with colors and prefer designing Logos. There are many online companies which require logo for their community and on this occasion teenagers can convert their talent into money by designing awesome logo. You can use the site to make money by designing a logo .
    Giving Lessons Online – Teaching:

    Teenagers are capable enough to start their own online community. Where they can teach other on specific topics and can earn lavishly.
    Earn Money By Answering Questions – Web Answers:

    Webanswer is the most reliable and dedicated place for teenagers to make extra money by answering questions. Teens can select specific question categories and can give desirable answers. If the asker thinks that your answers are perfect enough then you will be paid for answering.
    Earn money by doing Reseller business:
    For reseller business, technical skills are not required. It is very easy and secure paid method business in online. . It is available at . Here, you need to create a reseller account before starting it. After that , you can sell domain,hosting plans,etc.and earn good money through it.

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