Iran the other shoe has dropped - War or no war - to strike or not to strike?



WASHINGTON (AFP) - Iran resumed its nuclear weapons program in 2004, according to a US-based dissident who said Tuesday that US intelligence had failed to include his findings in a surprise about-face downgrading the Iranian threat.
"The weaponization program is alive, is active, and has been resumed since 2004," Iranian opposition figure Alireza Jafarzadeh told AFP, contradicting the US National Intelligence Estimate released a week ago
Jafarzadeh said he had shared his analysis with contacts in the US intelligence community before the NIE's publication, but suggested a "certain agenda" by some in the community anxious to downplay Iran's threat.
"With the exception of Lavizan-Shian... no other site was ever shut down," the Washington-based Jafarzadeh said, arguing that the US intelligence assessment "needs to be fixed."
"I don't think the international community, I don't think the United States government can afford to make such mistakes and provide the opportunity for the mullahs to get the bomb before we all know."
I have taken the article above in pieces - Pieces I thought were important and or ineresting

Here is the link to the full article
This is supposed to change minds

Does it ?

What is meant by US based "dissident"