Could I make money with a beauty/fashion blog?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I'm 17 and my sister is 15, and like most of you our family is pretty strapped for cash right now. I work a part-time job at Hollister but that barely covers my needs, let alone helpful to my family.

I was browsing on Youtube the other day and I found all these videos with girls showing you how they do their hair and make-up, and to be honest they're pretty crappy videos, but they still have hundreds of thousands of views!

So since I have a Macbook with the nifty camera, I was thinking that me and my sister should start a Youtube account showing everyone how to do their hair and make-up in certain styles that I always get asked how I do it.

Along with that I was thinking I can add a link to a fashion and beauty blog where I can post fashion advice, beauty tips, put together outfits, etc. I think I'd be really good at it, and if I got enough traffic to my page I could make money with advertisements!

What do you think of all this? Could it work? What service would you recommend for the blog? Any advice would help out a lot, I'm completely new to all of this! :)
all i can say it the probability of you getting a successful blog is very you have any idea how many girls are thinking about doing that?