Does my boyfriend have a substance use problem?


Jun 2, 2008
Occasionally (maybe once every 1 or 2 months) my boyfriend gets very drunk and forgets his evening out with friends. On these occasions, he stumbles, talks like a typical very intoxicated person, etc. This is a problem in our relationship because I can't trust him when he can't remember his evening. He tells me he wouldn't do anything different when he is this drunk than he normally would sober. He has sometimes forgot to call me when he was this drunk and also didn't come home at all once (and stayed at his friend's) without letting me know where he was. Another time he said he'd call at 7pm and I didn't hear from him until 3am. He considers this binge drinking, and just having fun with his friends. Since it doesn't affect his job, he doesn't consider it a problem. I think of this as a substance use problem because of how it affects our relationship and because in the past, he has tried to stop but couldn't. He sent me an email once with a photo attachment of him in tears because he told me he was only going to have a certain amount of drinks, and then he could't stick to his promise.
I love him and want to move forward in our relationship. We've talked about marriage but I don't know if I can do it if the binge drinking continues (even if it's only every once in a while). Should I be concerned about his drinking, and would this sort of drinking be considered a problem? Do you think he's right that he wouldn't do anything when he's this drunk than he normally would?