my female is in heat and my male will not stop whining?


New member
Aug 18, 2008
we are trying to breed our 2 favorite dogs and this is the first time i have allowed him to be around,she is 4 and he is 4, she is ready, lets him check her out in the back,and turns her tail as if to say" go for it!" but all he does is whine, i seperate him from her and its like he is trying to get to the golden bone, he does not try to mount, but follows her to no end..i know everyone will say the answer is to spay and neuter, but we have our reasons for mating these 2, i am just ready to rip his vocal cords out....any help would be appriciated....

p.s. after this heat, they will both be fixed so i wont have to go thru this anymore...thanks