Rant about Wii (why you shouldn't get a Wii)


New member
May 29, 2008
this is a rant I wrote describing why the Wii is the worst choice you can make when selecting a console.
Wii Rant episode 1:

I love Nintendo, but I honestly think they screwed up with the Wii. See I don't mind the not so great graphics, but I do mind so much else!

I hate the controllers, yes, controllers! That means more than one, and that's just stupid, it's just nerve racking to hold two different controllers, I will never get used to it, I absolutely hate it!!! There are so many games I want to get for the Wii, but the fact that they are controlled like this instantly turns me away. I also hate that almost all the games for Wii are solely based on motion sensitivity, it's like they don't even try anymore (well, occasionally), sorry, but that's how I feel...

The Wii has so much potential, and I think confining it to one basic concept of motion sensitivity and party games...is just wrong. I myself have loved Nintendo from the beginning, I still have my NES and SuperNES. With the Wii, I don't even feel like I'm playing a Nintendo game...more like a cheap novelty toy. I know that Nintendo is trying to appeal to everyone, but they're forgetting about the hardcore gamers, and it seems they're not giving us much of anything anything, now even if they did come out with some equals o the great games, the controls just make me say "no,” the motion sensitivity will take away from the intense gameplay" as it usually does.

Basically all I play on my Wii is Guitar Hero, and even then i feel like I'm being swindled, the other consoles get downloadable songs and new track sets. The Wii has the Internet capability, but they still don't offer this, and that's unfair.

I like the games that use the Wii-Remote sideways, but it feels like a deformed NES controller with two extra buttons, but at least it feels like a gaming controller, which I find a little bit more comfortable. I played and beat Super Paper Mario, which I found incredibly fun. Now if Nintendo would make more games like that I would have loads more fun.

Wii Codes and Game Codes? What's up with that? They're too long, and there are two! One for the Wii itself and one for the game, plus they’re long, and virtually un-memorizable, but who would want to memorize them? Why can't they have a simple system like the X-Box has with gamer-tags...that way you can be original, and not have to go through a ton of trouble trying to remember and write down your code.

RPG's and FPS's? Where are the Role Playing Games? There’s very few out for Wii right now, I want a long in depth story to follow along to. I want mystical powers being thrown at enemies in a turn-based style of game play. First Person Shooters? sure there's Call of Duty 3, and all that, but is there going to be any more? Any serious ones? The Wii's controls would actually be good for this type of game, especially with the zapper attachment. I'm not just talking, Links Crossbow training or shoot the targets, I mean a good long Game with a good storyline based on shooting things and/or people. Now the fact that the Zapper has the nun-chuck attached to it is simply a design flaw in my opinion. I mean, I want to move around while I shoot at things…if the Nun-chuck is attatched to the gun…well that’s just not possible.

Now what's with the Exercise? I didn't pay $250 for an exercise machine! Stop giving me what I don't want! If I wanted an exercise machine I would've bought one...it just annoys me that Nintendo is trying to do this, because real hardcore gamers like myself don't want to exercise (even though we may need it), Video games are not the way to get us doing it! We want to play some awesome games, not boring exercise games.

Nintendo is an amazing company, but they're just making some really lame decisions right now...I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but I don't want to focus on the negative feedback (already got enough of that), I want to focus on the problems I stated, and the solutions that can be made...I want to hear what Nintendo will do about it, or how they feel about it. Oh and just to be clear, I'm not just speaking for myself, I'm speaking for a lot of people who feel the same way.

The Wii’s E3 performance was just terrible. What was with the soccer mom as the MC? She was just disturbing. Nintendo didn’t mention anything I would even think of buying, not to mention the horrible stage presence, lack of exciting games, and still no new REAL controller. Their E3 performance was a joke. I couldn’t take it seriously.
Umm okay. I'm actually thinkin about getting one. Looks fun. And from what everyone has told me, the whole having two controllers isn't that bad. But it sounds like your just havin a bad...week?