Will it ruin my future if i would want to have a successful job in the future?????


New member
Aug 10, 2008
well I'm 15 years old and i have been caught steeling and now have a record will it damage me if i ever get a good job please ne truthful!!!thank you
If you went to court, and were convicted, you may have trouble.

First of all, don't EVER do that again.

Second, seek atonement. Contact Legal Aid or your local Bar Association (organization for lawyers), and ask if there is anyone who handles things pro bono (free), call one of these, and ask them how to make good.

Then, in whatever work you get in, try extra hard to have the best reputation in the company, and let that be your goal for all future jobs.

You learned a grown-up lesson that would have been much worse, if you were a grown-up.
A lot of times teenagers slide freebies to their friends, but companies consider it theft, because it does cost them, even if it's very little. The bottom line is, it is stealing, if you don't own something, don't take it without proper permission, or without paying for it, because at paying up front will always be better than paying after the fact.

Good Luck, Little One.