Two New Jersey gay guys wanna elope in Massachusetts?


May 13, 2008
My fiancé and I have been engaged for several months. We live in New Jersey where civil unions are legal. We've talked about maybe taking a weekend up in Massachusetts and eloping and getting married since it's legal there.

It was recently made egal for out-of-state-couples to marry, which we would like to take advantage of. Former Governor Mitt Romney had declared a racist 1913 law to outlaw out-of-state-marriages legal (i.e. almost all same-sex marriages). The law had originally been created to bar citizens of states that did not recognize inter-racial marriages from marrying, but was used as a pawn to create homophobia. It was repealed in recent weeks by current Governor Deval Patrick.

We luck out because New Jersey recognizes Massachusetts and California marriages as the equivalent to New Jersey civil unions. Next year we plan a vow renewal ceremony to have friends and family attend as though it were our first and actual wedding, even though we will have legally been married for some time.

If we plan a trip there in October, how long will we have to wait for a marriage license? I hear it it three days?

Some typos: It was recently made legal for out-of-state-couples to marry, which we would like to take advantage of. Former Governor Mitt Romney had declared a racist 1913 law to outlaw out-of-state-marriages illegal (i.e. almost all same-sex marriages).
P.S.- I really don't feel like dealing with hanteful answers from homophobes. Please. This is just meant to be a thread for people that understand that marriage, in a civil sense, is not limited to men and women but also men and men and women and women.