I put a T-MOBILE simcard in my Sidekick slide & it's requesting a special code;


New member
Aug 10, 2008
How come, where can i find it I bought my Slide on ebay. And they sent it from the USA to the Netherlands. When I put on my phone. It requested for a Special code. If i understand it right; it only asks for a special code if you put a simcard in from a different provider that T-MOBILE. This is not the case. So i don't know what to do. If someone knows the answer, please let me know. I would really appreciat it. xx
Hi your mobile is locked by particular provider. So only it didn't accept any other sim card in your mobile. If you want use any sim card in your mobile . First you must unlock your mobile. You can easily unlock your mobile by using special code (unlock code) . If you need (special code) unlock code you can visit this site Wickedunlock.com here you can get the code and unlock your mobile easily. After unlock your mobile you can put different sim card in your mobile