Is my toe sprained or broken?


May 15, 2008
I recently decided to slam my little index toe into a wall just for fun on the way to the bathroom at night, and the result was crushing pain in about two seconds. I iced the toe for as long as I could stand and then buddy taped it. There isn't any noticeable change to the shape of the toe, but about 24 hours later I can still hardly walk without limping. There is a dark purple spot at the base of the toe, and all around that area on the top of my foot (about 3" in diameter) there is a light blue discoloration. There is minimal swelling, and I can wiggle and squeeze the toe itself, but the pain comes when I try to put weight on the top of the foot or push off the floor with my toes. I've just started a running program and I don't like breaking my training routine . . . does anyone know if this is most likely a sprain or a break based on the symptoms? Or when I could safely try running again?