There s rumor at my school about me...


New member
Aug 1, 2008
I need a little advice,people at my school say im a lez but i tell them im not,my friends bolieve me and they back me up sometimes,but most of the time people say i am,what do i do? i hav tried standing up for myself though.
Oh and also,i want a boyfriend but im just not ready for one. Any ideas?
Hey, I was in the same situation back in my middle school days! Welcome to the club! That was four years ago, and since then I've grown so much that the past is completely irrelevant to me. But for the sake of reference I saw myself as a miserable social outcast who wanted out of my hell, who loathed showing up at such a hostile place as school every day. I was terrified at the prospect of going on to high school; I had this fear that my current situation as an outcast would be further magnified--the gap between the dweebs and the socially elite even greater.

And how wrong I was!

My personality grew more stable and I became uber confident in myself by tenth grade---socially, I had become the polar opposite of what I was in middle school. I went from total outcast to The Sonia, well known by those I knew and liked for my sense of humor and outlandish personality. I settled down a bit toward the end of the eleventh grade--I really became a wild kid--but none worse for the wear. Additionally, I also met my boyfriend of nine months in the beginning of 11th grade. =]

That's just one example of how you can rise up and abandon the past because it isn't real: It's a phantom in your memory. I have no way of knowing how you will grow and develope as a person; your path may likely be completely different from my own. But your lesson is the same: dealing with the face of social adversity...and most of all, for your own reference, how it feels to be discriminated against whether it is based on truth or not. I have absolutely no problem with homosexuality! I had a fantastic friend who was a lesbian! Who cares?

Most importantly, these things can dissolve on their own. If your in middle school, it's likely that you will deal with the same people some years from now on high school. And if you're like me, there will be many people who didn't like you in middle school who become great friends of yours! Nothing is set in stone, I learned. You must grow in time. Misery has an end, dawn always comes after night.

And in the future, this will be inconsequential. You can go up to people and say: Remember that stupid rumor that was spread about me in middle school? How dumb! Why do people believe everything they hear?

Kids are jerks. That doesn't mean you have to be miserable.


FRIENDS? You have a circle of FRIENDS? MAAN are you lucky! I had maybe three people on my side back then! I didn't have FRIENDS in middle school! Consider yourself lucky!

P.P.S....or is it P.S.S?

Relax about the boyfriend thing. The reason why the rumor was spread about me involved some people trying to get my a's a long and stupid story. When I was in 7th grade I thought I wouldn't have a boyfriend until I was in 11th grade. And I was right. ;p But it's a good thing! The process was natural, and my bf is my best buddy. Relax. You don't have to look under bridges to find one. He'll show up on his own accord.
I will keep this short and sweet
"You know who you are and at the end of the day what you think about yourself is all that matters"
Believe me there are worse rumors that could be spread.
Same as me. Me and my friend (we even have the same name) are tight. But we are not les. She cryed her heart out. I was like wth. And then she dragged me to tell the princibal. But just get a bf and hold his hand kiss him.. or just be yourself and say, hey I am not a les you are just some wannabe trying to make people feel like they are sh** and why dont you mess with your own life. Cause you are not messing with mine. and then grab a random guy and kiss him :)
Seriously the best thing you can do is just ignore them. They are either saying this about you because they are interested in you... or they feel bad about themselves and see you as an easy target.

just make sure to speak clearly and loudly when you talk to people. stand up straight. and dont look at the ground when you are walking around. that will help you appear less of a target for insults and rumors.

Some people just say this stuff because they know no other way of interacting with people.. those are the kinds of people that will be your employee someday.
This might be hard 2 do, but its the most effective, just ignore them. Even play it off like you don't care, really, cause the only thing that matters is that you know wat u r.
oh thats gay just forget about them and be sarcastic it will go away eveantually i was made fun for that in fourth grade and my freinds getting it now
Ignore them sometimes that is the best thing if not then you just may need to prove it
Like everyone else says..ignoring it is the best thing. If you get irate about it people will enjoy the drama of it and the rumor will only continue to spread. Ignoring it causes people to get bored with it and drop it. Who cares what they think? When you go to college you'll never have to see all those idiots from high school again. I understand how mortifying it is, but trust day you'll look back and be glad you just ignored it and went on with your life.
When they say it, just laugh!
Also, if you think it is useless and that there is nothing to loose, the next time someone says something joke about it in an agreeing way!
For example:
Them (a girl): "Hey you lesbo!"
You: "Yeah? Me? Sorry, I was just so distraced by how hot you seem to me that I wasn't listening!"

That will shut them right up! :)

Laughter can solve so many things!