does anyone know the lyrics to mor tor by rikki jai ..?


Joy S

what are the lyrics to the song mor tor by rikki jai and what language are they in? can you also translate them for me?
the laungage is in enlish and hindi.I know because i,m from trinidad.
i,m lookin for the lyrics too.
i know that it is english and hindi too. but im from guyana, and i am lookin for the lyrics as well
here are the lyyrics
thank me if yyuh want lol

Aye every Sunday morning in them Indian wedding
Them old ladies singing, see how them young gal whinging

Mor tor x 6
Lawa meelai
Sakhi lawa milai x 2

Lawa milake padosan ghare gaile
Padosan ghare gaile x 2
Sabh auratiya x 3
Sindoor lagai x 3

Awoh chalo poova lawa milanike
Lawa milanike x 2
Daye dawoh x 3
Dhana dhahej
Poowa dhana dhahej x 2

Baja bajaike yanganwah mein thari
yanganwah mein thari x 2
Sabh sakiyan mile nache lage
Mile nache lage x 2

Mor tor mor tor lawa meelai
Sakhi lawa milai x 3

yyuuhr welcome
This song is based on a wedding. It means all the friends come together and celebrate the event. And the neighbors sing and all the woman put on vermilimon. The next verse means give the dowry to to grooms family. Next verse means: playing the drums in your courtyard and all the relatives come together and dance.

I'm not sure that the meaning is exactly correct but I am Indian and the language the song is written in has Bihari Language(Lang. from a state in India Called Bihar.) Hopefully this helps.
I had just seen the original indie song on tv.
It seems that the lyrics are the same. They were traducted in french.
And the chorus talks about smoking herb ;-) !!