BEST and WORST Pick-up Lines, Tactics?


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Hey Ladies and gentleman- I am doing a study for people age 16 and up.
1.) What interesting pick up lines or conversation starters have you used on girls, that have actually worked?
2.) Do you have any lines that you regularly use that work?
3.) What lines/tactics have you used that have NOT worked or that got you a negative response from girls/women?

1.) What are some of the worst or least attractive ways a guy has, or could, hit on you or start a conversation with you?
2.) What are some of the BEST, or most attractive ways a guy has/can start a conversation with you, what are some things that have worked WELL?

Ladies- any general 'Do's and Don'ts' of pick up tactics that you would like to share with guys?

Thank you!
1 worst or least attractive r the ones whr the men seem so full of themself, grab ur coat u'v pulled!, ring ya mum tell her ur not cumin home 2nite! like doh hang on i'' decide if n when i pull!!!!!

best ways are simple, smiles , chit chat about anything other than pulling you ! i love a wink or 2 ;0) make me want to come to you ! flirt from a distance, stick out your tongue wink smile wave lol
This is one my friend did, it was soo cute i almost died!! it works on everyone he does it to!
Pick up her hand and say "can i show you a trick?" point to a part of her hand and say "this is a rabbit" then with your finger draw a squiggly line down teh center of her hand and say "this is a river. now the bunny wants to get across the river to the carrot patch on the other side. he tries to swim across but being a bunny he cant swim, he tried to go around it, but it goes all the way up your arm and down your hand. so the bunny just sits there thinking and as he's thinking he realizes that.... well i dont know what he realized, i just wanted to hold your hand.