Death penalty or free room and board?



With our prisons overcrowded as they are. What do we do with all the murderers and violent criminals? Should we do away with them? Because they showed no mercy for their victims and to show society we had enough of that behavior. Or should we just lock them up with free room and board? Telling society we will tolerate and condone that type of behavior. Should we have zero tolerance for violent crimes or put them back out on the streets? Because they where such good people society made go wrong.
I think we ought to do like they did in the olden days and get a rope and string them up a tree and let them hang
Our prisons are already over crowded to the point of them killing each other. If they kill someone, and there is provable DNA evidence or enough witnesses, they should be killed. If they rape someone, they should have their junk cut off. If they steal something, they should have their finger or hand cut off.

Personally, I support Singapore for their public caning for vandalism.