Why are republicans better looking than democrats?


Ryan S

Couldn't help but notice this one... is it because republicans are employed, can provide for themselves, are not toothless, do not depend on free dental care, are not 300 pounds overweight, and generally don't belong in the poor category?

Name me one decent looking democrat... just one please.
On behalf of Conservatives everywhere, I apologize for this one. He in no way represents Conservatives.
I don't know ...Brad Pitt is pretty hot.

The Romney sons certainly come from good stock.
maybe it is because they are the only ones you are being hit on in public restrooms.
How does it feel to have the members of your own party denounce you and beg you to leave??

What have you been smoking?
You must live in a dream world.
I must start by saying that first of all I can't stand people who fit the category you just described. I feel that in the United States we actually condone uneducated, fat, lazy, leaches on society. Fact of the matter is the Republicans are every bit as bad in their own way. Constantly waving Jesus and his grandios bible fairy tale at us and saying we need to follow it. They send our people to war to fight and die over one lie after another after another so that they can become richer and make the poor even more poor. They tell us they are creating more jobs when those jobs are simply working at Walmart or the micky d's drive through. A politician is a politician is a politician and corporate industry in America is what is truly running the show no matter what party is in power. Stay afraid, don't think too much, kill those who are different, love jesus, and don't complain that you can't find a real job. Just accept what your great leader says and shut up about, this is the American way. Nothing will change no matter which candidate you vote for so if you are straight Republican or straight Democrat, you're equally as uninformed and are allowing this problem to continue.
George Clooney ?

Whats next ? Whose Johns are longer ?
You guys elected Bush. Need we say more? Superficial over quality and I bet you just love Kathleen Harris!
Im not going to answer this one on the grounds it might identify me as a republican!
The fact that the looks of your candidate dictate who you'd vote for speaks volumes about your character and of your ignorance. People like you are the reason democracy gets messed up and should not have a say in how the government is operated.
Well, it wouldn't be fair to compare republicans to Larry King.
To be honest, Obama looks about 5x-10x better than F.Thompson...mostly age difference though.
we were born better looking because God like us better duh
I know that you are just trying to be completely obnoxious and antagonizing, but do you really believe this? Why is it that John Edwards is being criticized for his looks? Obama?
Fred Thompson is good looking? He looks like Lurch. Rudy is good looking? John Edwards is quite handsome, and Hillary is certainly not ugly. What do you look like? A democrat?
Fred Thompson is good looking? He looks like Lurch. Rudy is good looking? John Edwards is quite handsome, and Hillary is certainly not ugly. What do you look like? A democrat?