Obama's trip-great success or greatest success in American political history?


New member
Jul 28, 2008
see above
Sorry; amazing only have two choices; great or greatest. I'll put you down for a great.
On the serious side, Obama went there because he was baited by McCain. The fact that Obama used it for photo-ops will be used to show that he can actually talk to other world leaders and the world will not come to an end as a result. Obama is very media savvy.
Most polls have him getting a bump upwards from this trip. Still, this somewhat hurts McCain's argument about foreign affairs. The value of this trip is a pretty far-reaching. The minute that McCain says that Obama doesn't understand Iraq-Obama can put out a commercial showing Maliki agreeing with his policy. If McCain goes Iran, then Obama can say something about the Bush administration sending over an advisor to talk to Iran to discuss (negotiate) about nukes.
Perhaps, after living with almost 8 years of Bush, idiocy loses all meaning.
How about when Reagan made that trip and told the Europeans to stand behind America. Or Kennedy who rallied there to ask them to support us in the fight against Communism.

Obama went there to tell the American people to back the Europeans. He had no right to be there acting like he's already the President. How insulting to the American people.
You really need to study your history more.
Obama's trip was arrogant grandstanding by a rookie politician. Nothing more.