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  1. #11

    BLACKBERRY !!!!!!!

    me three i want a bb everyone in my secondary skl has one and not me and i already got a phone a samsung diva and i chose it over a bb but now i realise what i want but my mum always says no no no . and now my family's gattin involved and saying no aswell plzzzz i really want one plzz i promise i would lokk after it xx and mum if ur reading it plzz buy me a bb plzzzzzz

  2. #12
    i know exactly how you all feel i am 11 turning 12 and i would dieee for a blackberry all my friends on facebook have pictures of them with their blackberry and convos and always asking for peoples pins and I'm just there without ANY phone. its not like im in elementary school. my dad WANTS me to have a phone but my mom is like "no, your going to use up all of your minutes and get addicted" just because I'm always on my computer. the only reason i am is because no one will answer my calls on my home phone but they're always texting and they're like never on facebook because they have lives and are with friends. If i cannot get a blackberry... can i atleast get a damn phone like come onnn every one in my class has one and its not fairr. let alone pretty much every one in my schools either has one or had one... atleast they had one in the begging.

  3. #13
    I soo want a BB, but my dad doesn't think I need it...I need email and aim and facebook and stuff..I'll get use of it..pluse it's 70dollars more then mine now..I have a crux...SOOO SLOW!!! Any advise at alllll please helpp
    Oh and I'm 14

  4. #14

    Mobilephone1 aaaargh!!!

    my mother ( she has a bold) got me a lg300 last two years and she was nagging that i spend too much credit on txts and calls and the phone was pretty slow so now i can pay a fixed price every month but she said NOOO! AND SO DID MY DAD (he has a bold and torch) .last but not least every one in my high schol has one !!!

  5. #15
    I want a fucking bb.

  6. #16

    Check2 Wow i want a blackberry :(

    Omgg, kso, last summer i got a samsung gravity, it's okay i guess..but this is my first year of highschool and allllll my friends either have a blackberry or itouch, my mom's ok with getting me one, it's just my dad! Hes so hard to convince i've begged him so much for it! Whenever i'm on facebook i see people posting their pins saying "add up the bbm pin" i wish i could.... I want a blackberry!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #17
    I am 13 and want 1 sooo bad! But my mommy says "no,no, and i mean no!"I told her i wood b a good boy!

  8. #18
    iv had the same phone for alittle over a year now and it had broken 3 times and the insurence wont pay for another one if i break it so im considering droping it in some water or some shit like that.. i really want a blackberry all my friends have one and i want to be able to bbm. i do everything around the house and my parents just dont want to spend the extra 30 bucks on the phone bill. i said i would pay for it every mounth but they wont go for that. i dont understand why. its an on going battle. and this is just not a battle im going to let down.

  9. #19
    I'm 15 years old and I've had a phone for about 2 years and it's not the best phone.. everyone at my school has a blackberry and I just really want one :|
    I already pay for the phone I own right now so obviously I would pay for the blackberry but my parents STILL won't let me. My dad gives me stupid excuses as to why not like "when your grades get better that's when I'll think about it" when I am a straight A student. -_____-
    If it was up to my mom, I would probably already have a blackberry but my dad won'
    t even budge.

  10. #20

    BlackBerry Craze

    Okay, so to you 12 year olds, you have to try and see where your parents are coming from. I am sure that they are saying this because they think it is best, you try and take over their job. Also, BlackBerries are expensive, and do you really thing that you will be able to come up with £10/£15 a month, not including accessories and tariffs which you are guaranteed to want.

    You must admit that calling someone who has one a spoiled brat is childish. She is obviously not your friend if she is spoiled, wouldn't you agree?

    It is your fault if you chose a Samsung Diva over a BlackBerry, do not blame your parents over this.

    And remember, you are only 12. You are lucky to have a phone at all. Phones can damage your brain, ears and voicebox (I couldn't speak for 8 days, and was about to have surgery).

    If you want a phone with a QWERTY keyboard, aim for something like an Orange Rio or a Nokia, some of their features are practically made for children of your age.

    Yours Sincerely

    Voice of Knowledge

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