for my religious studies i have to do a project, which is to build my own religion.

ok so here is my basic idea: one goddess who spent 3 billion years evolving before she came into perfect wisdom and omnipotence. she wanted to create peer gods but decided it woudl be too dangerous for her as if she created them ominipotent, they woudl lack the wisdom gained over eons to practicaly use their powers. so she extracted living tissue from her own body which began as archaea and went down the evlutionary line, some of them ending up human beings. the forces of Optimus and Pessimus worked upon them to either encourage or discourage growth of favorite or unfavorable organisms respectively. so now the goddess is ever hopeful that she will find someone who after 3 billion years of reincarnatoin has grown their devine spark into almost god form, so that htey might convene with her and help her run the universe. coudl anyone help me with rituals, community, ethics etc concerned with a religion
i already have a water worship ritual but woudl like other ideas.

what i provided here was a condensced version of the creation myth, for the full version please email me any help woudl be much appreciated . thanks
i'm tyring to avoid immoral and downer elements taht are present in religions like judaism and chrsitianity. theyre just not very original.