Obama shines, McCain whines. It's been a pretty bad week for McCain, hasn't it?


New member
Jul 26, 2008

Be careful what you wish for, John. That seems to be the message of the week for Senator John McCain. He took some campaign consultant's idea a few weeks ago and tried to make political hay out of it -- put a running "clock" up on his website to show how long it had been since Barack Obama had been to Iraq. It was a sophomoric trick, but then what do you really expect from a Republican campaign consultant? But all this toss-the-gauntlet-down machismo has now backfired.

Barack Obama picked up that gauntlet, John, and has turned it into pure gold. Maybe he's an alchemist, or something.
McCain's specific complaint (to present both sides fairly here), was: "WAAAAHHHH! Waaa-aaa-aaAAHHH! Waah! Waaaaaaaaaaaah!" (transcribed from a recent press conference).